Monday, August 21, 2006

The Sweet Potato Queens’ Book of Love by Jill Conner Browne

The title of this book is somewhat deceiving because it’s not nearly as entertaining as it looks. Actually, if you are over 50, southern, divorced, and looking for new ways to humiliate your children you might find it enjoyable, but quite frankly the humor was lost on me. In this series of essays, the Jackson, Mississippi-born author describes various adventures with her set of middle-aged friends as they eat fatty foods and beat men into submission. Though the overall content did not interest me, I was able to find one favorite quote – a selection from the author’s grandfather’s favorite piece of advice: “Be particular. That is, without a doubt, the Best Advice Ever Given in the History of the Entire World. Consider, if you will, the profound effect that following that advice would have on, say, your diet, your love life, your financial situation, your decision on whether to have that next drink. I mean, what do those two words not cover?”


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